
Showing posts from November, 2011

Mimpi Mr. Abi

last night I had a bad dream. but there were also happy anyway. in my dream, there was a former professor of my time teaching in college, which Abidin Zachro or used to be called Mr. Abi. in that dream was very touching. where me and abi tears after seeing each other in one place. and I didn't know where we meet. like in the room contained a table, chairs, sofas and books are stacked, bolpoint, etc. such as abi workspace. knows what happened before we met each other. suddenly I came into the room and each other face to face with abi, then I kissed his hand as usual (see student teachers must shake) and then we cried. and abi said the word "disappointed". then I said, "I'm so sorry, abi". few moments later I woke up. and quiet remember what happened in my dream last night. and oddly enough, to this day (afternoon, 15:20) I still wonder, what happens then?? I think, maybe I just missed with my favorite teacher was. long time no see you make this heart will mis...

Jadi Sales ?? *Think About it Again, Daarrll,,,,,*

Siang itu, tepatnya pada hari Senin tanggal 14 November 2011, seperti biasa saya menjalankan rutinitas sehari-hari yaitu Kerja. Lebih tepatnya pada saat mau nyapu, ada kotoran sedikit, tiba-tiba Handphone Android saya berbunyi. Pada layar handphone muncul nomer surabaya 031565****. Sedikit penasaran saat itu, karena lama sekali tidak mendengar suara handphone berbunyi dengan nomer-nomer jurusan surabaya maupun jakarta. Ketika saya angkat, ternyata benar itu panggilan kerja. Tetapi anehnya, saat berbicara dengan mbak-mbak yang ada di telepon, sebenernya saya sedikit gak paham. kenapa? begini isi percakapan saya dengan mbak yang ada di telepon : Saya : Haloo... Penelepon : Halo, bisa bicara dengan mbak icha? S : (dalam hati aq bicara, "sejak kapan orang asing tau nama panggilanQ?". akhirnya saya jawab,"iya saya sendiri.darimana ini?" P : ini dari Bank BTPN, dapat rekomendasi dari mbak neni. besok tanggal 16 diharap kedatangannya di jalan Cil...(ttiiitt) Surabaya...