
Showing posts from July, 2009

SindRome LAPTOP..... ^_^

Waduwh.... semenjak ada sinyal WIFI di semua areal UPN "Veteran" JATIM, smua mahasiswa-mahasiswi pada demen sama yang namanya laptop huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu secara gratisan gitu kan. sumpah. seharian di kampus akupun pasti betah hehehehehehehehehehehe gimana gag!!? aku kan Cyber Queen wekekekekekekkekeekkkkkkkk pokoknya selama 3 hari ini aku betah di kampus lebih tepatnya di Laboratorium UPN TELEVISI kenapa betah disana?? gimana gag betah, koneksinya langsung lancar. daripada di FISIP!!? gag enak banget.... koneksi lambat kadang gag masuk. maksudnya unconnected gituwh... sapa juga yang gag bete langsung tancap ajah ke PUSKOM and Lab TV hehehehhehehehehehe selamat buat teman2.... enak yah bisa ONLINE everyday NonStop huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu


1. An important person when you were growing up?? answer = absolutely my Parent. especially "MY MOM" 2. An Important Date?? answer = July, 27 1989 (when I was born. hahahahhahahhahaha) 3. An important person you haven't seen for several years?? answer = honestly, I want to see my GrandMa and GrandPa from Aceh (parent of my Mom). but, b'coz my GrandPa was dead, so, I just want to see my GrandMa. Miss u much... 4. An interesting town or city you've visited?? answer = I have two city that I really-really love it much. they are BALI and JOGJA. BALI is a beautiful place. I already twice to go there. first time with my Big Family. and second time with my Friends in Senior High School. JOGJA is a beautiful place too. it's a quiet town. I really like it. there's no noise. that's good for living over there. I went with MUMU and his friends....

Duit abiiizzzzz.... minta tolong Mommy...

hahhahahahahha masiyh 3 hari di kosan duit 50ribu abisssssss...... huwaaaaa.aaaaa.... gimana gag abiz, bawa duit cuma 70ribu. buat bayar pulsa(akeh pisan), blom lagi makan. sampek puasa pak. tapi gpp-lah. puasa adalah hal yang harus di wajibkan (buat aq). tapi jangan tiap hari puasanya. bisa mampus giLa' aquh wkwkwkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwkkkwwkkwkw duit 100ribu d kasih aba, cuma tak bawa 50ribu. emang salahQu bawa 50ribu doank maksud hati biar gag boros2 lha kog ternyata ada hutang2 yang blom d bayar gegegegegeggeekekekkekekekkkkkk.... capek dech bug.... akhirnya telpon rumah nyuruh ibu titipin duit k mas andik mas andik itu, tetanggaQu, seniorQu di UPN sini hahahhahaahhahaha lumayan. ada penyelamat untung dia kuliah pas hari kamis sebenernya masih ada duit 31ribu. tapi blom beli AQUA hargae 11ribu jadi tinggal 20ribu gag bisa sampek sabtu kale' tuh duit.... akhirnya minta duit ibuQu 30ribu tenang bug, pas pulang pasti q bayar... Love you MOM.... MMuuuuuaaaaaccchhhhh.......

Sekretaris? What the f**k!!?

hadoooohhh.... jadi sekretaris??? again. again and again???? OMG... gag ada yang laen apa yah? sumpah dink... males... smua acara jadi terhambat termasuk acara NGAJAR_MENGAJARQu waaaahhhh.... orangtua murid2quh pada protes k aq, trus aq protesnya kmn donk bug? mami, ibug, bapak, ayah, Abaaa..... help me mudah2an cepet selesai dech niyh sumpah, puink bgt aq budhrek. budhrek... ganbate yah....